Don't Miss Out on Grants that Close 3 Hours After Opening!


Show Notes

Yesterday has to have been a record-breaker for Australia. There was a grant that opened at 9:30am and closed at 12:30pm, with 3,000 applications received!

That’s a grant that opened, filled and closed within 3 hours of opening!

I'm seeing a lot more funders advertise a closing date, but state that they will close the grant program as soon as enough applications have been received. Yesterday, that only took 3 hours.

In this episode, get my tips on how I managed to apply in time, and adopt them yourself to the next highly advertised, highly competitive, short timeframe grant program.

The quick wrap:

  • Register for the online application form (if you can) before the grant opening date

  • Make sure you’re eligible and update your applicant eligibility status if need be (i.e. make sure you’re GST registered)

  • Complete any forms, such as a Stat Dec, and have quotes from suppliers on hand before the opening date

  • Copy all of the application questions into a Word/Pages document and prepare your answers - within the word counts

  • Align your application to the funding program’s purpose

  • For business grants in particular, present a strong, yet realistic, Return on Investment

  • Choose a supplier that makes sense for the grant you’re applying for

  • Block out the opening date in your diary so that you can apply as soon as the grant opens.

Grant Alert! Health Promotion Grants Available.

nib foundation is searching for registered charities across Australia and New Zealand to apply for their Health Smart Grants to receive a share in $280,000.

Six grants of $40,000 are available to charities in Australia. The six successful charities will also be given the chance to have their funding doubled through our People’s Choice vote – where two of the six charities will receive an extra $40,000 as decided by the public.

Charities who specialise in health promotion and primary prevention and have a track record of engaging and empowering people to be health smart in their everyday lives, are encouraged to apply.

In 2021, the Health Smart Grant will be expanded to New Zealand, offering three eligible charities a grant of $40,000.

Eligible charities can submit their applications from 1 June 2021.

The Guidelines and Expression of Interest form are now available.


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