The fragility of life

Life which got too hard. Another life which changed one ordinary evening.

Both have reminded me of the fragility of life. In two so very different ways.

One life which has been dedicated to the service of others.

The other, a neighbour who moved in only last week, who I don’t know very much about.

One where, for reasons I don’t know, reached a point where life was just too much to keep going.

The other, collapsed one evening at home with his wife and two young children present.

One couldn’t be saved.

The other saved by his wife performing CPR.

Both have left me contemplating life. Both have family and friends, directly impacted by their death and near-death experiences.

One is now in heaven. The other in hospital awaiting heart surgery, with an unknown outcome.

The fragility of life. One heartbeat and breath at a time.


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