2018. I don’t even know where to begin with you.

You have had big ups and even bigger downs.

You have pushed me to my limit.

You have thrown me the unexpected time and time again. Some good. Some bad.

You have been full of incredible business growth.

You have been full of medical appointments. We have well and truly reached our family Medicare threshold.

You have helped me realise the importance of slowing down.

You have allowed me to experience the powerful calm that can come from the beach and sunshine.

You have continued to place great friends in my life.

You have shown us what really matters.

You have made us stronger than we were before.

You have made me more in love with my husband than ever before.

You have made me determined not to let the unimportant things crowd 2019.

You have made me end this year with a sense of expectation for the year ahead.

2018. I’m not going to miss you, but I do think you may play a pivitol role in our future.



A collective sense of expectation

