Here you’ll find stories of my remote for-purpose business founder, family-loving, grant-seeking, adversity-facing life.
‘Tis the good, the bad and not too much ugly.

Hey, you awesome go-getter!

Health Health

Managing unhealthy stress

I thought ‘that’s it, that’s exactly how I can manage unhealthy stress better’. So many things can push in on us and wear us down. Serious health issues are a big one which can just be so relentless. But there are many, many other causes of stress too. If you’re looking for ways to manage unhealthy stress, then check this out.

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Faith, Health Faith, Health


Diagnosis of a critical and chronic illness is an incredibly traumatic thing to experience, and I still find it hard to write about. Somehow, my husband and I managed to put this video together for our HeartKid’s dedication in 2014, which coincided with his 1st Birthday. This video will give you a good insight into the trauma of diagnosis and how life was for us 5 years ago.

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Faith, Family, Health Faith, Family, Health

Why a blog?

For 5 years, I’ve been struggling to cope with our 5-year-old son’s heart condition. Yet now it feels like I’m moving into a new stage. A stage filled more with hope, story sharing and helping others, rather than the all-consuming internally focussed survival mode that I was thrown into 5 years ago. My hope, really, is that by sharing this part of my story, other families facing chronic critical illness may realise they’re not alone.

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