Here you’ll find stories of my remote for-purpose business founder, family-loving, grant-seeking, adversity-facing life.
‘Tis the good, the bad and not too much ugly.

Hey, you awesome go-getter!

Health Health

2020. Changing the fundamentals of the way we do life.

This virus has made me sad to the core, because it’s changing some of the fundamentals of the way we do life. And while we’re locking down to try and prevent the spread of a deadly disease, lockdown is also increasing the frequency and impact of other social issues, like domestic violence, relationship breakdown and social isolation.

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Health Health

Limbo Land - The longest 45 minutes of my son’s cardiology checkup day

It’s checkup day. Tom’s has his blood pressure, sats, height and weight checked. Now we’re up to the echo. Otherwise known as limbo land. There is no other moment in life that makes me feel so much like I’m nowhere. We’re not living our normal every day life, we’re not in the clear, we’re not back on closer together checkups, and we’re not on a surgery waiting list.

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Health Health

When you get the phone call for surgery

It’s like a little firework of thoughts goes off in your mind in about 5 seconds flat. There is a mix of actual rational thoughts, like the question of our coping ability at the moment, then there are the crazy, not so important thoughts, like being able to water the garden tomorrow.

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Health Health

Why do we feel the need to speak?

What is it about our Australian culture that make us feel the need to speak? What is wrong with silence? Or just a hug? Or an ‘I’m so sorry’? Why do we feel the need to make people feel better, when there is nothing that can actually make them feel better at that particular moment?

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Health Health

Managing unhealthy stress

I thought ‘that’s it, that’s exactly how I can manage unhealthy stress better’. So many things can push in on us and wear us down. Serious health issues are a big one which can just be so relentless. But there are many, many other causes of stress too. If you’re looking for ways to manage unhealthy stress, then check this out.

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Health Health

Unexpected flash backs & long term coping

I find myself sitting in the same surgical waiting room at The Royal Children’s Hospital where we sat waiting to take our son into his second Open Heart Surgery. Today it’s just a meeting with an anaesthetist for some dental work, but walking in did make me take a short breath and catch myself. I wasn’t expecting today to be a day of flash backs.

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Health Health

Small things can be powerful things

Today is R U OK? day. It’s such a great initiative which encourages people to stay connected and have meaningful conversations. I don’t think you should ever underestimate the power of doing something small for someone who is struggling. Small things can be powerful things.

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Health Health

Bike riding

This is the sort of every day stuff our HeartKid shouldn’t be able to do. He has severe leakage of his aortic valve and mild left ventricular hypertrophy. He’s had 2 open heart surgeries already and we’re waiting on the next one, which is going to be huge.

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Family, Health Family, Health

Why I’ve learnt to run at an 8 instead of a 10

Not knowing what is around the corner with our HeartKid has taught me that I can't run at 110% all the time. It's not wise for me to run at full capacity with no space left. If I'm already running at a 10, where do I go if tomorrow our son’s heart starts playing up again and I end up in the Emergency Department?

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